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Friday, April 25, 2014
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Index to all authors/illustrators
If you would like any of the editions as listed below, please ask the Carousel office. We still have copies of most issues...
CAROUSEL ARTICLES either by or about:
Ackroyd, Peter (25)
Adams, Pam (11)
Adams, Simon (03S)
Adie, Kate (25)
Agard, John (27)
Ahlberg, Allan (1,33 ,50)
Aiken, Joan (2,12)
Almond, David (29, 46, 55)
Alborough, Jez (8, 03S)
Allan, Nicholas (10)
Althea (23)
Andersen, Hans Christian (31)
Anderson, Jeff (10)
Andreae, Giles (47)
Anholt, Catherine (19)
Anholt, Laurence
(19, 37)
Ardagh, Philip
Ardizzone, Edward(14)
Armitage, D & M (23)
Ashley, Bernard (9,33)
Ashley, Chris (9)
Asquith, Ros (30, 51)
Augarde, Steve (32)
Avi (25)
Ayckbourn, Alan (16)
Ayres, Pam (5)
Ayto, Russell (30)
Baker, Colin (8)
Baker-Smith, G (49)
Ball, Johnny (32)
Banks, Lynne Reid(11)
Barrett, A (41)
Barlow,Steve (26,34, 44)
Barroux (56)
Bartram, Simon (23)
Barry, Dave (32)
Base, Graeme (14)
Bass, Guy (51 )
Baumgart, Klaus (13)
Bawden, Nina (27)
Bearn, Emily (46)
Beccaloni, George (46)
Beck, Ian (48)
Beisty, Stephen (22)
Benjamin, Floella (6)
Berry, James (21, 50)
Bertagna, Julie (6)
Black, Holly (28)
Blacker, Terence (12)
Blake, Quentin
(8,16) (53)
Blackman, Malorie (44)
Blackwood, Freya (46)
Blathwayt, B (39)
Blume, Judy (5, 30)
Blundell, Judy (43)
Blunkett, David (11)
Blythe, Gary (37)
Bond, Michael (9)
Bouchard, David (19)
Bowler, Tim (22)
Boyce, Frank Cottrell (28, 43)
Boyne, John (40)
Bradford, Chris (43)
Bradman, Tony (23)
Bragg, Melvyn (19)
Branford, H (12)
Brassey, Richard (36)
Breeze, Lynn (33)
Breslin, Theresa
(17, 39) (52)
Briggs, Andy (52)
Briggs, Raymond (19)
Bright, Paul (43)
Bright, Rachel (46)
Browne, Eileen (51)
Brooks, Kevin (23)
Brown, Ken (13)
Brown, Marc (6)
Brown, Ruth (13)
Brown,Martin (57)
Browne, Anthony
(8, 22,49)
Bruno, Dick (14)
Byrne, JP (48)
Buckeridge,Anthony (8)
Bujor, Flavia (26)
Bull, David (14)
Bull, Jane (21)
Burgess, Melvin (24)
Burnard, Damon (5)
Burningham, John (11,34, 55)
Butler, Dorothy (1)
Butterworth,Nick (13)
Byng, Georgia (21)
Cabot, Meg (30)
Caldecott,Elen (54)
Campbell, Rod (35)
Carle, Eric (12)
Carroll, Lewis (46)
Cassidy, Cathy (27)
Cattell, Bob (45)
Causley, Charles (7)
Chambers, Aidan (31)
Child, Lauren (14, 45)
Clark, Emma C
(20, 27,55)
Clayton, Lisa (2)
Cole, Babette (14)
Cole, Steve (41)
Colfer, Eoin (18, 37)
Colwell, Eileen (11)
Connolly, John (49)
Connolly, Peter (14)
Cooper, Helen (29)
Cooper, Susan (11)
Cormier, Robert (16)
Cooper, Heather (6)
Cousins, Lucy (44)
Corderoy, Tracey (52
Cowell, Cressida(28, 54)
Cowley,Joy (54)
Craig, Helen (40)
Crampton, Pat (11)
Creech, Sharon (44)
Cresswell, Helen (30)
Cross, Gillian (17)
Crossley-Holland Kevin (18, 23, 46)
Crowther, Robert (20,50)
D’Lacey, Chris (21)
Dalton, Annie (19)
Daly, Niki (14)
Danziger, Paula (14)
Davies, Nicola (55)
De Brunhoff, L (16)
De Fombelle, T (43)
Delahunty, Andrew (27)
Delaney, Joseph (53)
Dennis, Helen (50)
Dewan, Ted (17)
DiCamillo, Kate (28)
Dickens Charles (50)
Dickinson, Peter (19)
Dimbleby, J(10)
Diterlizzi, Tony (28)
Dodd, Lynley (10, 31)
Doherty, Berlie
(7, 36, 49)
Donaldson, Julia (21)
Dorfman, Ariel (19)
Donnelly, Jennifer
(28, 49)
Dowd, S (42)
Dowsell, Paul (41)
Downes, B (99S)
Doyle, Malachy (17)
Drinkwater, Carol (22)
Duffy, Carol Ann (24)
Dunbar, J(11,30)
Dunbar, Polly (30,39)
Elliott,Rebecca (45,52)
Else,Barbara (54)
Evans Lissa (52)
Falconer, Ian (01S)
Fanelli Sara (53)
Farmer, Nancy (32)
Fearnley, Jan (25, 47)
Fickling, David (28)
Fine, Anne (2, 34)
Finn, Mary (41)
Fisher, Catherine (32)
Fisk, Pauline (20)
Fletcher, C (40)
Flugge, Klaus (19)
Forde, Catherine (24)
Foreman, Michael
(5, 45)
Fox-Davies, Sarah (22)
Fraser, Bashabi (17)
French, Fiona (3)
French, V (40)
Fuge, Charles (29)
Funke, Cornelia (22)
Gaiman, Neil (26)
Gantos, Jack (19)
Gardner, Sally (38)
Garland, Sarah (37)
Garner, Alan (12)
Gates, Susan (24)
Gavin, Jamila (4)
Gay, Marie-L (20)
Geraghty, Paul (14)
Geras, Adele (15)
Gibbons, Alan (29, 42)
Gleitzman, Morris (8, 42)
Glennie, Evelyn (7)
Glori, Debi (00S)
Goodwin, Harriet (44)
Golding, Julia (34)
Gordon, John (1, 33)
Graham, Bob (25)
Grant, Cassie & (53)
Grant Katie (50)
Grant, Michael (43)
Granstrom, Brita(14, 56)
Gravett, Emily (32)
Gray, Keith (13)
Gray, Kes (25)
Green, Julia (56)
Grey, Mini (24)
Griffiths, Andy (18)
Hale, Shannon (32)
Harding, Frances (05S)
Harris, MG (44)
Hartman, Bob (20)
Hartnett, Sonya (23)
Haughton, Chris (57)
Hawking, Lucy (37)
Hawkins, C & J (21)
Heale, Jay (34)
Hearn, Julie (25)
Hedderwick, Mairi
(2, 31, 56)
Helmore, Jim (43)
Henbest, Nigel (6)
Henry, Ernest (7)
Henry, Lenny (1)
Higson, C (40)
Hinton, Nigel (35)
Hinton, SE (2)
Hislop, Ian (16)
Hitchcock, Fleur (52)
Hodgkinson, L (38)
Hoeye, Michael (21)
Hoffman, Alice (28)
Hoffman, Mary (15)
Hooper, Mary (29, 45)
Hooper, Meredith
(18, 22)
Horacek,Petre (54)
Horse, Harry (11,16)
Horowitz, Anthony
(19, 48)
HOT KEY (55)
Howard, Paul (51)
Howarth, Leslie (18)
Hughes, Carol (8)
Hughes, Shirley (7,16,22, 55)
Hull, Robert (52)
Hunter, Mollie (36)
Hutchison, Barry (51)
Ibbotson, Eva (18, 39)
Impey, Rose (51
Inkpen, Mick (13, 47, 57)
Inkpen, Robert (43, 56)
Isserlis, Steven (21)
James, Simon (38)
Janes, Wendy (33)
Jarman, Julia
(35, 38, 46, 55)
Jeffers, Oliver (56)
Jennings, Paul (4, 18)
Jensen, Mairie-Louise (57)
Jeram, Anita (20)
Johnson, Pete (23)
Jones, Lara (32)
Jones, Terry (15)
Jones, Wynne D (15)
Jordon, Louise D(6)
Joyce, William (00S)
Juster, Norton (20, 51 )
Kay, Jackie (42)
Keenan, Brian (17)
Kerr, Judith (10, 43)
Kilworth, Garry (32)
King, Clive (22)
King-Smith,Dick (13)
Kitamura,S (18)
Klassen, Jon (49, 55)
Klass, David (20)
Lacey, Josh (57)
Laird, Elizabeth (26, 31)
Landman, Tanya (37)
Lange,Erin (57)
Langrish, Katherine (27)
Laserby, Jack (54)
Lassiter, Rhiannon (15)
Lewis, Gill (49)
Lawrence, C (36)
Lawrence, John (28)
Leiper, Kate (52)
Lingard, Joan (26)
Lipp, Fred (35)
Lloyd, Sam (39)
Lord, John Vernon (40)
Lott, Tim (36)
Lovric, Michelle (47)
Lucas, David (39)
Lupton, Hugh (23)
Lynch, PJ (43)
Mackintosh, Samantha (46)
MacIver, Julia
Mackler, Carolyn (21)
Magnusson, Sally (13)
Magorian, Michelle (10, 39)
Mahy, Margaret (2,16)
Maland, Nick (41)
Manning, Mick (14, 56)
Mark, Jan (25, 33)
Marks, Alan (50)
Markham, Lynne (15)
Marks, Graham (37)
Marlow, Layn (44)
Martin, Ann M (14)
Mason, Simon (28)
Masson, Sophie (24)
Mayhew, James (45, 57)
Mayne, William (15)
McCaughrean, G(20) (34)
McClay,John (57)
McClure, G (40, 47)
McDonald, T (14)
McDonald, Megan (24)
McDougal, Sophie (56)
McGough, Roger (4)
McIntyre, Sarah (47)
McKay, Hilary (22, 43)
McKee, David (22)
McKenzie, S (42)
McNab, Andy (33)
McNaughton, Colin (6) (01S)
McNish, Cliff (36)
McPhail, Cathy (29)
Melling, David (27, 54)
Meres, Jonathan (52)
Mendes, Valerie (32)
Milway, Alex (51)
Mitchell, Adrian (30)
Mitton, Tony (27)
Monks, Lydia (26)
Montgomery, Hugh(21)
Moon, Pat (47)
Mooney, Bel (6)
Moore, Inga (38)
Morgan, Nicola (34)
Morpurgo, M(5, 19, 55)
Morris, Jacqui (15,50)
Moses, Brian (35)
Mould, Chris (35)
Mowll, Joshua (31)
Murphy, Jill (31)
Murphy, Mary (27)
Murray, Peter J (28)
Murtaght, Ciaran (55)
Naidoo, Beverley (34)
Ness Patrick (51)
Newbery, Linda (21)
Nicholson, W (14, 34)
Nicholls, Sally (44)
Nimmo, Jenny (26)
Nissen, Jane (34)
Nix, Garth (22)
Norland, Ben (34)
O’Neill, Joan (24)
Oakley, Graham (20)
Oates, Joyce Carol (23)
Ogilvy, Ian (28)
Oppel, Kenneth (22)
Opie, Iona (4)
Ormerod, Jan (25)
Oxenbury, Helen (12)
Palmer, Sue (33)
Palmer, Tom 45)
Paul, Korky
Paulsen, Gary (3)
Paver, Michelle (28, 47)
Pearce, Philippa (16)
Pearson, Ridley (32)
Peet, Mal (45)
Pelham David (51)
Pennac, Daniel (24, 46)
Peyton, KM (15)
Philbrick, Rodman (30)
Pichon, Liz (49)
Pielichaty, Helena (30, 45)
Pienkowski, Jan (31)
Pierce, Tamora (16)
Pitcher Annabel (53)
Place, Francois (16)
Platt, David (3)
Poskitt, Kjartan (16)
Potts, Stephen (12)
Powling, Chris (38)
Prater, John (18)
Prescott, Simon (43)
Price, Susan (26)
Prior, Natalie Jane (28)
Prue, Sally (54)
Pullman, Philip (28)
Raby, Lucy Daniel (05S)
Rai, Bali (20)
Rankin, Ian (29)
Ransome, Arthur (47)
Rasheed, Leila (41)
Ray, Jane (4, 46)
Rayner, Catherine (35)
Rees, Celia (21)
Rees, Gwyneth (27)
Reeve, Philip (22)
Reinhart, Matthew (36)
Rentta, Sharon (45)
Rennison, Louise (21)
Riddell, Chris (19, 28)
Ridley, Philip (21)
Rigby, Robert (33)
Riordan, Rick (32)
Roberts, David (36)
Roberts, Katherine (16)
Robinson, A & Young A (49)
Robinson, Tony (31)
Rock, Lois (31)
Rosen, Michael (27)
Rosoff, Meg (31)
Ross, Tony (19)
Rowan, Pete (6)
Rowling, JK (9)
Rushdie, Salman (14)
Sabuda, Robert (36)
Sachar, Louis (29)
Said, SF (24)
Salisbury, Martin (44)
Seven Stories Collection (44)
St John, Lauren (43)
Scheffler, Axel (25)
Scieszka, Jon (13)
Sedgewick, Marcus (45)
Selznick, Brian (38)
Sendak, Maurice (47)
Seuss, Dr (7)
Sharkey, N (41)
Sharratt, Nick (11)
Shepherd, Nellie (25)
Simon, Francesca (25)
Simmons, Jane (12,54)
Simmonds, Posy (23)
Singer, Nicky (21)
Sis, Peter (17)
Skidmore, Steve
(26,34, 44)
Smith, Alexander McCall (30)
Smith Alex T (38)
Snicket, Lemony (34)
Snow, Alan (28)
Somper, Justin (30, 53)
Sparkes, Ali (47)
Spinelli, Jerry (19)
Stanton, Andy (37)
Stead, Rebecca (56)
Stephenson, K (40)
Stevenson, Laura (19)
Stewart, Paul (19)
Stickland, Paul (28)
Stone, David Lee (29)
Strickland,Tessa (10)
Stockham, Jess (38)
Strong, Jeremy (30, 47)
Stroud, Jonathan
Wall, Karen (42)
Wallace, Karen (26)
Walsh, Jill Paton (31)
Ward, Helen (55)
Weatherill, Cat (29)
Weatherill, Steve(41)
Webb, Beth (38)
Webb, Kay (46)
Wegner, Fritz (24)
Wein, Elizabeth (54)
Westall, Robert (35)
Whybrow, Ian (30)
Wildsmith, Brian (16)
Wilks, Mike (37)
Willems, Mo (40)
Williamson, M (43)
Willis, Jeanne(27, 35)
Wilson, Budge (39)
(9, 35)
Winkler, Henry (52)
Wooding, Chris (22)
Wormell, Chris (29)
Zephaniah, Benjamin (13)
Thursday, April 03, 2014
Manchester Children’s Book Festival 2014
War Horse author Michael Morpurgo to appear at Manchester Children’s Book Festival 2014
Special musical performance ofPrivate Peaceful to commemorate WW1
Full line-up announced. Tickets on sale now
Festival runs from June 26th to July 6th
THE line-up for this year’s Manchester Children’s Book Festival has been announced, with a special performance ofMichael Morpurgo’s Private Peaceful featuring the author and singing trio Coope, Boyes & Simpson as one of the highlights.
The festival organisers at Manchester Metropolitan University have worked hard to ensure that 2014 will be the biggest and most exciting Manchester Children’s Book Festival yet, with a mix of author talks, workshops, writing and arts projects to get involved in and competitions.
Other well-known authors appearing at the festival include David Almond (Skellig), Sarah McIntyre & Philip Reeve (Oliver and the Seawigs) andCerrie Burnell (CBeebies, Snowflake).
Also confirmed are Steve Cole (Astrosaurs, Young Bond),Andrew Cope (Spy Dog), Curtis Jobling (Wereworld), Cathy Cassidy (Chocolate Box Girls), Liz Kessler (Emily Windsnap),Tom Palmer (Over The Line), Sufiya Ahmed (Secrets of a Henna Girl),Guy Bass (The Legend of Frog), Kate Pankhurst (Mariella Mystery),Justin Somper (Vampirates), Ali Sparkes (The Shapeshifter), Darren Shan (Zom-B) and Carol Ann Duffy.
In addition to the author events there will also be a family fun day on Saturday, June 28th, featuring a host of events including a Seawigs parade that will feature handmade Seawigs. Details of how to make your own Seawig are available on Sarah McIntyre’s website,
Knitted sea monkeys will be auctioned off to raise money for the charity Readwell, who are working with the festival to put books on the shelves at Manchester Children’s Hospital School.
At other points in the festival, children will have the opportunity to make a War Horse-inspired puppet, and poets Paul Cookson and Tony Walsh will showcase a new WWI-themed performance based on Manchester Metropolitan University’s Walking In Their Shoes: Tweets from the Trenches project.
Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, who is director of the Manchester Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University, said: “Our programme of events features events where we welcome you into the university to meet your favourite authors, artists and performers. There are events at our partner libraries, theatres, museums, galleries, bookshops and hotels throughout Manchester; and in schools, bringing writers into classrooms to inspire young people.”
Manchester Metropolitan University Vice-ChancellorProfessor John Brooks, said: “I share Carol Ann’s view that this should be a festival for everyone and have been pleased to support the special projects designed to raise aspirations and confidence in young people, and to encourage the broadest possible audience to engage with literature, the arts, and opportunities for creative expression.”
The festival runs from June 26th to July 6th. Tickets are on sale to the public now
The Manchester Children’s Book Festival is a biennial celebration of writing for young people, launched in 2010.
The festival has previously featured appearances from authors including Philip Pullman, Jacqueline Wilson and Michael Rosen.
It is organised by Manchester Metropolitan University, with many events held on the university’s Oxford Road campus, as well as at partner venues including Manchester Central Library, the National Football Museum and the People’s History Museum.
Author biographies:
Michael Morpurgo is best known for his children’s novels, although he has also written poems, plays and librettos. He was integral in creating the post of Children’s Laureate alongside Ted Hughes, and held the position from 2003 to 2005. He has won the Whitbread Children’s Book Award, and has been shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal a total of four times.
Carol Ann Duffy is the current Poet Laureate and the Creative Director of the Manchester Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University. She has won the Whitbread Award, the Dylan Thomas Prize, the TS Eliot Prize, the Costa Book Award and the PEN/Pinter Prize. This year BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour named her one of the 100 most powerful women in the country.
Sarah McIntyre & Philip Reeve are the creators of the newly-published Oliver and the Seawigs, described by Telegraph culture editor Martin Chilton as “a fun-packed delight”. Philip Reeve is a prolific author and illustrator who provided images for many of the Horrible Histories books. His novel Here Lies Arthur won the 2007 Carnegie Medal. Sarah has written numerous children’s books and comics, and has won prizes including the Sheffield Children’s Book Award and the Leeds Graphic Novel Award.
Andrew Cope is the author of the bestselling “Spy Dog” and “Spy Pups” series. The books are based on the fictional adventures of Cope’s real-life rescue dog, Lara, who accompanies him on his book tours.
Curtis Jobling started his creative career as an animator, bringing the world of Bob The Builder to life. His books Frankenstein’s Cat and Raa Raa have been turned into television series. His latest project is a series of books for young adults, Wereworld.
Cathy Cassidy is the author of The Chocolate Box Girls series, and a former agony aunt for Shout magazine. She has been nominated for the Queen of Teen award three times.
Liz Kessler is the author of the Emily Windsnap books, based on the adventures of a half-mermaid and her friends, including The Tail of Emily Windsnap and the most recent, Emily Windsnap and the Land of the Midnight Sun. Her latest novel, North of Nowhere, centres around the mysterious disappearance of a young girl’s grandfather from his seaside home.
Tom Palmer is the author of the Puffin series Football Academy, Foul Play and The Squad. He has been shortlisted for the Blue Peter Award and Secret FC was this year chosen by the Book Trust for inclusion in their School Library Pack which is sent to 4,000 English schools.
School Library Association Information Book Award 2014
Link to poster
School Library Association
Information Book Award 2014
Short List Announcement
The School Library Association (SLA) is delighted to announce the shortlist for the 2014 prize! Schools will be invited to take part in the Children’s Choice voting from June to mid-September. The award ceremony will take place in the autumn and is sponsored by Hachette Children’s Books and is supported by Peters Books & Furniture.
The Information Book Award is an annual event, in its fourth year and is a major development for information books, being designed to support school libraries and to reinforce the importance of non-fiction whilst highlighting the high standard of resources available.
The judges have looked at a wide field of nominations and have produced a strong and varied selection of titles for the shortlist, these are –
Under 7s
Lift the Flap, Questions and Answers about Your Body by Katie Daynes, illustrated by Marie-Eve Tremblay. Usborne Publishing 9781409562108
The Story of Stars by Neal Layton. Hodder 9781444901122
What’s it like to be a Bee by Jinny Johnson. Franklin Watts 9781445121888
Book of Languages by Mick Webb, illustrated by Glen McBeth. Franklin Watts 9781445116266
Bugs by George McGAvin, illustrated by Jim Kay. Walker Books 9781406328738
Get into Art: Animals by Susie Brooks. Kingfisher 9780753435762
Secrets of Stonehenge by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrӧm. Frances Lincoln 9781847803467
How to Draw Like a Fashion Designer by Dennis Norhdruft & Celia Joicey. Thames & Hudson 9780500650189
Starving the Anxiety Gremlin by Kate Collins-Donnelly, illustrated by Rosy Salaman. Jessica Kingsley publishers 9781849053419
Weird Sea Creatures by Erich Hoyt. Firefly Books 9781770851917
Posters will be made available to schools to advertise the shortlist and downloads will also be available for wider use.
During mid-June to mid-September schools will be invited to register with the voting website ( and children can choose their own ‘Children’s Choice’ favourites in each category, plus voting for an overall winner. Prizes will be awarded
for the judges and Children’s Choice winners in each category, as well as for the overall winner(s).
Book Packs
The shortlisted titles are available as three individual packs - under 7s, 7-12 and 12-16 - from children’s book specialists, Peters Books & Furniture.
In support of the awards, Peters will:
Invoice the packs at 25% discount.
Deliver free of charge to mainland UK addresses.
Orders will be supplied with a £50 voucher to spend in Peters’ Showroom
Packs can be ordered from the Offers page at
Editor’s notes
The award is split into 3 separate categories; under 7s, 7-12 and 12-16.
Publishers were called for submissions in early December 2013.
The winners will be announced at an award ceremony in the autumn of 2014.
The judging panel consists of experienced librarians, SLA board members and a member of Peters Books & Furniture.
Peters Books & Furniture is supporting the award by supplying packs of the short listed titles as a good value offer to schools. Children will then be invited to vote for their favourite book.
Each section will have a winner, chosen by the panel, as well as a children’s choice winner. There will also be an overall winner, awarded to the best information book across all categories.
The award is administered by the SLA.
About the School Library Association
The School Library Association is an independent charity that believes that every pupil is entitled to effective school library provision. The SLA is committed to supporting everyone involved with school libraries, promoting high quality reading and learning opportunities for all. Website:
About the Award sponsors
The School Library Association is grateful for sponsorship from Hachette Children’s Books and Peters Books & Furniture to make this award possible. The SLA Information Book Award is run entirely on sponsorship kindly donated by friends and supporters of the Award. No money is taken from the SLA budget so all staff time, the cost of the judging; prizes for the winners and the final award ceremony must be covered by the sponsors' donations.
Hachette Children's Books
is one of the most successful children's publishers in the UK, with an excellent track record in creating bestselling and award winning books for children of all ages and interests. Our four imprints, Franklin Watts, Hodder Children's Books, Orchard Books and Wayland together form a dynamic list of top quality picture books, fiction and non-fiction. Website:
Peters Books & Furniture
offers a variety of services to support libraries, schools, nurseries and schemes. Website:
Award website
For more information please contact - Tricia Adams, Director, School Library Association
Tel: 01793 530166 or 07532 231946
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